Moroso presents "Secret Cubic Shelves," designed by Icelandic-Danish artist Olafur Eliasson. The shelves, the result of the artist's intense, decades-long engagement with geometry, derive from the stacked rhomboidal module that has appeared in his work since 2015-in works such as Less ego wall, 2015, first shown at Moderna museet in Stockholm; the window print La congiuntura del tempo (Tempo junction), 2017, at the Agnelli Foundation in Turin; and the sculpture How to build a sphere out of cubes, 2018, at Texas A&M University. A skeletal variation of this form was also central to Eliasson's project Green light - An artistic workshop, held as part of Viva Arte Viva, 57th Biennale di Venezia in 2017. Invented by Einar Thorsteinn (1942-2015) and developed as one of the many geometric studies Eliasson and Thorsteinn undertook in a studio in Berlin, the module is related to research begun many years earlier by R. Buckminster Fuller. To obtain the geometry, two identical cubes are rotated along a common diagonal axis until the edges of the two cubes are divided according to the golden ratio. Drawing lines where the faces intersect (and cutting off the rest) yields a polyhedron of twelve triangular faces.