Memoire d'une trame Rug

Ligne Roset
Constance Frapolli


The 'mémoire de trame' rug calls on the traditional technique of hand knotting to achieve a meticulously detailed visual effect of a macro photographic representation of a multicolored weave. The delicacy of the motif and the subtlety of the shade associations leave this rug wide open to individual interpretation: are they an accumulation of little houses, or stylized directional arrows perhaps? The superposition of inlaid patterns produces an optical effect similar to an oscillating band passing across a screen or the moiré effect of a shifting optokinetic pattern. Bleu and Brique : Hand knotted rug in 90 % wool / 10 % cotton (48,000 knots/m²). Please allow for a tolerance of +/- 3 % in terms of both length and width. Gris brun : Hand knotted rug in 75 % wool / 25 % cotton (45,000 knots/m²). Please allow for a tolerance of +/- 3 % in terms of length and width.